Art for Sale
Piero Ruggeri

Piero Ruggeri (1930 - 2009) was active/lived in Italy.  Piero Ruggeri is known for Paintings.

Piero Ruggeri shows us a work in which the colour red has a pictorial treatment full of internal restlessness, with a vigorous and expansive force. Piero Ruggeri trained in Turin, where he graduated from a painting course at the Academy of Fine Arts in 1956. Throughout his career as an artist, he exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, USA, Belgium, Brazil, France, Russia, Australia and Egypt. Solo exhibitions include the "anthology" at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara in 1984, the Villa Reale in Monza in 1985 and the Circle of Artists in Turin in 1986. From 1963 to 1985 he taught figure painting at the Turin School of Art. He participated in numerous editions of "Italy-France", the Venice Biennale and the Rome Quadrennial. He won national and international prizes such as Morgan's Paint, Solomon Guggenheim Museum New York, Marzotto, Sao Paulo Brasil, Fiorino, Liss, Villa San Giovanni.

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 436 auction lots for Piero Ruggeri (of which 308 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Piero Ruggeri as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Piero Ruggeri in 0 of its research Essays. Piero Ruggeri has 9 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Piero Ruggeri available:    Alfredo Chighine,  Gian Rodolfo D'Accardi,  Emilio Scanavino,  Alberto Biasi,  Omar Galliani,  Lorenzo Piemonti,  Gianni Dova,  Carlo Nangeroni,  Ennio Finzi,  Antonio Nunziante,  Claudio Olivieri,  Valentino Vago,  Davide Nido,  Eugenio Carmi,  Riccardo Licata,  Jonathan Guaitamacchi,  Franco Costalonga,  Giovan Francesco Gonzaga,  Mario Raciti,  Giuseppe Amadio,  Concetto Pozzati,  Bruno Landi,  Agostino Ferrari,  Walter Piacesi

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